Weight Loss

How Psyllium Husk Works For Weight Loss (Science Backed)

Isabgol for weight loss is gaining attention these days. It is also known as Psyllium husk, which is used as a laxative to relieve constipation. Isabgol is the outer layer of the seeds of the plant Plantago ovata. Many believe that isabgol can aid weight loss, especially because it contains 8X more soluble fiber than oats (1).

Do you want to try isabgol to lose weight? If yes, read this post. You will know how it aids weight loss, whether it is safe, and other benefits. Scroll down.

In This Article

How Psyllium Husk Aids Weight Loss

Psyllium husk aids weight loss by pushing the body toward the fat loss phase and improving various body functions.

The psyllium plant is mainly grown in India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan and is known as isabgol (Persian: asp – horse and gul – flower). The seeds have been used in traditional Iranian medicine since ages. Psyllium husk is a good source of fatty acids and starch and is used as an additive in animal feed as well.

How does psyllium husk aid weight loss? Here are 6 scientific ways:

1. Increases Satiety


A study by American scientists shows that psyllium husk aids greater satiety and reduces hunger pangs (2). Psyllium contains soluble dietary fiber, which forms a gel-like layer after coming in contact with water. This layer helps slow down the transit of food through the stomach, resulting in increased satiety (3).

Psyllium husk helps in curbing your appetite without affecting the energy levels. This aids weight loss.

2. Acts As A Laxative

In a study published in Current Medical Research and Opinion, scientists found that psyllium husk to be the most efficient laxative. It helped treat constipation and reduced abdominal pain and diarrhea better than other laxatives (4).

Psyllium is a home remedy for constipation. The fiber helps draw water from the body and adds bulk to the stool, thereby improving gut movement (5). This helps in building a strong immune system and effectively helps in losing weight. Here are some more high fiber foods for weight loss.

3. Improves Lipid Profile

Researchers from New Zealand conducted a study on 47 15-16-year-old participants. The participants consumed 6 g of psyllium husk for six weeks. Their body composition, insulin sensitivity, lipid profile, and blood pressure were measured. The fiber in the psyllium husk reduced bad (LDL) cholesterol and fat (by 4%) in the participants (6).

4. Reduces Cholesterol


Scientists at the Washington State University experimented with seven participants. They were on 21 g/day psyllium husk supplementation for three weeks. By the end of the third week, the total cholesterol was considerably low (7). Psyllium husk may also be effective in lowering cholesterol in postmenopausal women (8).

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