Weight Loss

Does Progesterone Cause Weight Gain? Know The Real Facts Here

Does progesterone cause weight gain? This is a common question women have. Progesterone is an ovarian hormone that prepares the uterus for pregnancy and helps to maintain a healthy pregnancy (1). On the other hand, Progestin is a contraceptive pill that mimics the action of progesterone (2). It is common for women to gain weight while on the pill and during pregnancy. So, does that connect progesterone to weight gain in women? Is that hypothesis backed by science? And how can hormone replacement therapy work? Read on to get all these answers and see what you can do to prevent this weight gain. Swipe up!

In This Article

Does Progesterone Cause Weight Gain?


Progesterone may or may not cause weight gain in women. Let’s understand what effect progesterone has on a woman’s body weight.

  • Progesterone Increases Hunger
    It is a known fact that consuming more calories and not burning enough calories can lead to weight gain. But what if your appetite was under the control of a few hormones (like progesterone)? It is true that sex hormones, including progesterone and testosterone, increase appetite (3). Since progesterone levels are high during pregnancy, there is a possibility that it may increase hunger in this period.
    A scientific study shows that increased weight gain in women could also be triggered due to Progestin (birth control), which may increase the chances of binge eating in women during the luteal phaseXThe second part of the menstrual cycle that begins around day 15 of a 28-day cycle and ends with the first day of your period.  (4). However, more research needs to be conducted to confirm this finding.
  • Low Progesterone Levels Cause Weight Loss
    Menopause, miscarriages, and ovarian diseases cause progesterone levels to drop. This may elevate estrogen levels. Estrogen is a female hormone that also helps prepare the body for pregnancy and lactation (5). However, estrogen also reduces hunger (3). This means that reduced progesterone and increased estrogen levels may lead to weight loss.

This could mean that progesterone is a primary driver of weight gain in women. However, there are many other hormones that also can cause weight gain. Scroll down to know more.

Other Hormones That Cause Weight Gain


  • Insulin
    Insulin is a hormone that helps in the uptake of glucose in the bloodstream by cells. Glucose is then converted to usable energy (ATP) in the cells. However, the body sometimes may not produce insulin or the cells may not recognize insulin. This prevents glucose uptake, potentially leading to diabetes type 1 and 2 (6). With increased blood sugar levels, the excess sugar does not get used up and gets stored in the body.
  • Thyroid
    Thyroid hormones regulate metabolism, fat oxidationXA biochemical process that breaks down fatty acids to generate energy for the muscles and decrease body fat. , and food intake
    . Reduced secretion of thyroid hormones, also known as hypothyroidism, reduces metabolism and increases BMIXBody mass index is the measurement of body fat based on the height and weight ratio of an adult person. and the risk of obesity (7).
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